October 2023: Wake Up Time

I confess to being in a holding pattern for the last year or two. From time to time something would catch my attention and I’d write a Pop Up Prophecy and have it posted to the blog, but mostly I dozed. Time to wake up. Things have taken a very sudden and very dramatic turn.

Before I focus on why the Israel Mid-East war is so very, very important, I want to point out what happened on October 4 – the National Emergency Alert testing. At about 1:20 pm on Wednesday, October 4 everyone in the country simultaneously had their digital device signal an incoming message. There was nothing particularly important about the message. What was important was making sure everyone would get it at the same time. And in whatever language they speak.

There are several things that bear thinking about:

  1. Geographically, the United States of America is a very large place. What could the whole country ever need warning about at the exact same time? Certainly no weather event would cause problems everywhere. A military invasion would only impact the borders initially. An invasion of birds or bugs or viruses wouldn’t do it. So why?
  2. At the time the alert was sent to everyone’s cellphone or smart watch or other digital communication device, I happened to be in a room with seven other women playing bridge. Three of the eight didn’t even know the test was expected despite the weeks of “heads up” from most media outlets. If that group (3 out of 8) is representative of American Society as a whole, then one-third of the population has no idea what’s going on. Very scary proposition.

What makes the national test so important is that if you were the Antichrist and wanted to run the world, one of the things you’d need is to be sure you can communicate simultaneously with every person on the planet in the language they speak. How else can you possibly issue blanket orders and make sure everyone is able to get and understand those orders?

This test shows that another major step has been taken towards making it possible for one person to take over the world. The Bible tells us over and over, “Watch. Be ready”. Time to really watch, things are about to move very quickly.

Please neither off-handedly accept nor reject what is said in this blog. Check it out. Look it up for yourself in the Bible. If you are a child of God, you are in good hands and there is the most wonderful eternity waiting for you. If you are not a Christ-follower, now is the a really good time to honestly explore the truth claims of the Bible.

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