Alive and Well

He’s Here… The antichrist is alive and well on planet Earth. Today. Right now. As we speak. Got your attention? The question you may be asking is, “What makes me say that?” The first reason is that Jesus said, “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in Heaven, norContinue reading “Alive and Well”

True or Wishful Thinking?

This is a Thinking Out Loud blog. My husband, Mike Kearns, asked me one time, “Do you think people are basically good or basically evil?” Without considering I responded, “Basically good.” “Why,” he asked, “do you think so?” “Because,” I answered, “I want it to be true.” This is not the blog I planned toContinue reading “True or Wishful Thinking?”

Sliding Down the Slippery Slope

Until she died a few years ago, I was privileged to be in a Bible study led by Rene Judkins, a Biblically grounded woman of God. She would refer to the concept of the “slippery slope,” meaning that once a person or a society starts with and condones a small, morally wrong attitude or action,Continue reading “Sliding Down the Slippery Slope”

Flyover-level Zoom Towards the Second Coming Pt 2

Overarching the entire Tribulation period is the “unholy trinity” – Satan, the antichrist and the false prophet. Satan has always wanted to be God; to be worshipped by everyone as God. (Is 14:13) But Satan is the antithesis of God. God is the creator while Satan is the destroyer; God is love, Satan is hate;Continue reading “Flyover-level Zoom Towards the Second Coming Pt 2”

Flyover-level Zoom Towards the Second Coming Pt 1

Since we are still here and not Raptured (is that a word?) out of here, the only option we are left with is the road through the end times; that road goes through the Tribulation and comes to an abrupt end with Jesus’ Second Coming. Here’s what seems to happen during the final seven years,Continue reading “Flyover-level Zoom Towards the Second Coming Pt 1”

Rapture Timing

Looking For The Rapture Of the eight things we are watching for, the Rapture is the only one left that can actually be accomplished just like that…bam! Whish! Gone! No specific warning signs or pre-conditions required. From a scriptural point of view it could have happened 1000 years ago, or 100; it could happen today.Continue reading “Rapture Timing”

Watching Rapture

What we are watching for Back in the day when people used to wander malls there were kiosks with maps and little arrows saying, “You are here.” You could determine where you were in relationship to where you wanted to be. Our current “You are here” locates us before the Rapture and before the Tribulation.Continue reading “Watching Rapture”

Covid-19 and End Times

Does the Covid-19 virus fit into those warning signs or birth pains? On February 1 of this year I spoke at the Bridge Bible Church’s Women’s Retreat and, in that talk, I said that the Bible predicts a one world government with a global dictator. I speculated that this governmental transformation would be triggered byContinue reading “Covid-19 and End Times”

The Best Place To Start Is With Daniel

Daniel was a teenager living the good life in Jerusalem as the son of that society’s one percenters. Daniel and other children of the upper class were marched into captivity in Babylon after the capture of Jerusalem about 605 BC. Talk about a culture shock! From the very beginning, Daniel proved himself to be notContinue reading “The Best Place To Start Is With Daniel”